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Local Community Foundation Name Change

Since its inception in 2008, the Foundation has been known as the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation. As those who established funds and benefited from grants increased, the board of directors started to notice the more regional impact it was having. That prompted the pursuance of a name change to better reflect the Foundation’s impact. As of 2024, the organization will be known as the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation.

Back row, left to right: Fred Blackstein, Brian Mulvihill, Yves Roy, Jamie Berry (Community Liaison).
Front row, left to right: Hilary Moss (Treasurer), Kim Chenard, Matt Bradley (Chair), Shelley Murphy, Shannon Fraser.

“The idea for the foundation started in 2007 when we started to see a decline in service clubs, the closing of charitable offices and the realization that governments cannot do it all,” said Bradley. “We are one of 207 community foundations across Canada and are part of a growing movement to support local communities.”
“All the funds raised through the foundation stay locally,” he continued. “When you see the impact and emotion of our grant recipients, it’s very moving. It’s not hard to stay motivated.”
Joining Bradley on the board of directors include Fred Blackstein, Shelley Murphy, Hilary Moss, Kim Chenard, Shannon Fraser, Brian Mulvihill and Yves Roy. The Foundation is supported by community liaison Jamie Berry.

County of Renfrew announces Ontario Winter Games Legacy Fund

The 2023 Ontario Winter Games were held in Renfrew County, and after all expenses were met, there was a surplus of $375,000 remaining. The news of the surplus was delivered virtually by Renfrew County Olympian Melissa Bishop-Nriagu.
“I am so, so proud of our community for hosting this event,” said Bishop-Nriagu. “I’m so excited and honoured that the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation will be awarded this money. I would have been someone who applied for those funds.”
The funds will be invested with the Foundation and will be put towards supporting a variety of initiatives in sport for local clubs and individuals.
To Read More about the Winter Games Legacy funds, Please visit our page News and Events.

Renfrew County Warden Peter Emon (left), Chair of the Renfrew County 2023 Ontario Winter Games, and Matt Bradley, Chair of the Board for the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation, shake hands to solidify the partnership to have the Foundation oversee and distribute the $375,000 Games Legacy Fund. County of Renfrew photo.

Ottawa Valley Community Foundation 2024 Annual Grants

The Foundation delivers annual grants to charitable organizations as part of their annual general meeting activities. For 2024, a total of $26,513.13 was granted to local Charities within Renfrew County. For more detailed descrition of these recipients, please visit our page Stories of Giving.

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/givingthatgrows   Instagram: @ppdcfoundation

Donate Online via PayPal
Online donations are now accepted through PayPal. In the notes section when donating, please enter which fund you would like the donation to support (second page). A tax receipt will be mailed to the mailing address you provide. Click here to learn more about donating.

For more information on how the Ottawa Valley Community Foundation can be an impactful part of your desire to contribute to the community, please contact us.

Stories of GivingApplying for FundsNews and Events